
Debra Mitchell, Nutritional Therapist

Hi, I’m Debra and I'm a Registered Nutritional Therapist and Health Coach based in Surrey. 

I specialise in women's health and weight loss, helping women take back control of their health and feel amazing again.

I'm passionate about helping women feel great whatever their age. You don't need to be following the latest fad diet to notice the amazing benefits food and lifestyle choices can have on how we feel and how we live our lives. I work with women to support and empower them to make these changes, helping them feel lighter, energised, happier and healthier.

I spent a number of years working as a nurse and saw first hand the effects diet and lifestyle choices can have on health. My own health was also not great at this time. I was always tired, had trouble sleeping and struggled with my weight. I knew I needed to do something about it if I wanted to get my zest for life back, so I started to take an interest in nutrition. Following a career break overseas, I decided to retrain and studied at the renowned Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION) .

I firmly believe you can enjoy life and be the healthiest version of yourself. This doesn't involve avoiding all the things you love and sticking yourself on some unsustainable diet. It's about focusing on nutritious foods and achievable lifestyle changes that work for you, whilst adopting a flexible approach to life. I love food and a nice glass of wine but know how to build this into a healthy lifestyle. I can help you do the same.

Why not kickstart your journey to a new you by booking in a free, 30-minute health transformation call. We can chat about your health goals and how I can support you on your journey.

Click here to get yourself booked in.


Debra Mitchell

Registered Nutritional Therapist

BSc(Hons), DipION, mBANT, CNHC

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